Library Day

January 7, 2010 at 5:59 pm (endometriosis diet, Living in Belfast, PhD)

I am having so much trouble getting re-registered for uni, I am getting pushed from department to department but I am pretty hopeful that I made some progress today. I am usually quite patient about things like that but with my first deadline looming it is frustrating not having full library access etc.

I was also really naughty today and didn’t prepare a lunch to take with me and I ended up eating gluten free cakes and crisps, it is hardly the low sugar, high fibre endo diet I am supposed to be on, but tomorrow is another day and I am going to have a Spinach and Cauliflower bhaji for dinner – yummmm! Since I have lost nearly a stone in the last 3 weeks I guess I can cheat once in a while.

Also, being round university amuses me, I had a fortuitous juxtaposition of social commentaries that made me think for a while. First of all I saw this in a phone box…

Then I read this:

If you explain to a pauper that his property rights are the same as a millionaire, he will probably accuse you of quibbling. Similarly, the right to freedom of speech has little real substance if, from the lack of education, you have nothing to say that is worth saying, and no means of making yourself heard if you say it.

T.H. Marshall

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